17 March 2021

A total of 84 horses have left the Valencia venue and a further 22 are scheduled to leave on 18 March. This will leave a total of 35 horses onsite, with four still in the Valencia veterinary hospital, and seven at a nearby private stable.

The Polish National Federation advised the FEI that it had cancelled all national events until 12 April.

18 March 2021

The FEI Veterinary Epidemiology Working Group, which was formalised last week, held its first formal meeting to discuss virus gene typing, the evolution of the outbreak, return to competition protocols and preventive measures. The Group is composed of leading EHV experts Professor Ann Cullinan (IRL), Dr Richard Newton (GBR) and Dr Gittan Gröndahl (SWE), the FEI Veterinary Director Dr Göran Akerström and FEI Senior Veterinary Advisor Dr Caterina Termine, supported by Dr Jenny Hall, Chair of the FEI Veterinary Committee. A report from the meeting will be published in the next 24 hours.

The FEI has received notification from the International Collating Centre (ICC) of eight horses in two separate premises in France that have tested positive for EHV-1. A further five horses are showing clinical signs. The ICC report states that these two outbreaks are related to a competition in Spain. The FEI is following up to establish the venue or venues.

A total of 218 horses have left the Spanish Sunshine Tour showgrounds, with other departures planned over the coming days. This will leave just over 150 horses that will complete their 21-day isolation period onsite in Vejer de la Frontera.

19 March 2021

The FEI has been notified of four new EHV-1 positives in horses in Denmark that have returned to their home stables from Valencia, two of which are showing neurological symptoms.
The horses are in full isolation.

The FEI is following up on a reported EHV-1 positive in a horse that was tested at its home stables in Scotland after returning from Vilamoura (POR). Neither the positive horse nor any of its stable companions that had travelled back from Portugal are showing any clinical signs and have been isolated since their return.

The last of the German horses have now left the Valencia venue. Other horses from Hong Kong and China have also departured.

It has been confirmed that the virus strain in the horse that tested positive after participating in Gorla Minore (ITA) is not linked to the Valencia outbreak.

The Veterinary Delegate in Wellington, Florida (USA) confirmed to the FEI Veterinary Department that testing on a horse with fever in isolation on the venue had returned negative for EHV-1.

The Swedish National Federation confirmed that it has extended the shutdown of all national events until 11 April.