FEI Board resolutions

The FEI Board met via videoconference last Tuesday to review a number of key issues, including a new return to play policy for when international sport recommences after the Covid-19 pandemic and proposals from the Jumping, Para Equestrian, Endurance and Dressage Calendar Task Forces, and the Qualification System for the Tokyo 2020 Paralympic Games.

FEI Policy for Enhanced Competition Safety during the Covid-19 pandemic
At its videoconference on 15 April, the FEI Board had mandated the FEI Medical Committee to work on a protocol for National Federations and Organising Committees to provide measures for the safe resumption of international equestrian events when approved by the World Health Organization and national governments.

Dr Mark Hart, Chair of the Medical Committee, presented a draft of the FEI Policy for Enhanced Competition Safety during the Covid-19 pandemic to the Board during its virtual meeting yesterday. The Medical Committee and FEI Headquarters have now been further mandated to finalise the Policy, which will contain a set of recommended discipline-specific guidelines, including an obligation for Organisers to carry out a Risk Assessment to host safe competitions. Once completed, the Board will give final sign-off for the Policy, including a Risk Assessment tool, in advance of distribution to National Federations and Organisers.

FEI Series affected by COVID-19
The Board agreed that the FEI will not penalise or terminate the existing contracts with Organisers that have had to cancel their Event due to force majeure (eg Covid-19) or due to uncertainties because of Covid-19, which may not always be strictly considered force majeure depending on the timing of the decision.

Calendar Task Forces
The Board approved a number of proposals put forward by the discipline-specific Calendar Task Forces.

NB: Resolutions marked * were approved by the Board based on Article 20.3 of the FEI Statutes: In an Emergency Situation the Board may, by a two-thirds (2/3) majority of votes cast, pass Resolutions which are normally the prerogatives of the General Assembly. In such cases, the National Federations shall be notified promptly of these measures. If a majority of the National Federations eligible to vote, responding within thirty (30) days of the date of the notice, signifies its disapproval, the measure shall be rescinded if possible.

Following a third meeting of the Jumping Calendar Task Force on Monday 4 May, the Board acknowledged the Task Force approval of Calendar dates that are published on the FEI Database yesterday, 6 May 2020.

CSI5* GCT/GCL Shanghai (CHN) and CSI5*-W Helsinki (FIN)
The FEI has approved the date clash between CSI5* GCT/GCL Shanghai (CHN) 23-25 October 2020 and CSI5*-W Helsinki (FIN) 22-25 October 2020, due to the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on the FEI Calendar.

Both Events are supported by the FEI’s Top Partner Longines and the agreement acknowledges the importance of maintaining the Calendar in Asia while simultaneously minimising the impact of the Shanghai fixture on the Longines FEI World Cup™ event in Helsinki.

Both Organisers have agreed that any National Federation will be entitled to select and enter any Athlete for the CSI5*-W Helsinki (FIN) without any consequences or sanction from GCT/GCL against Athletes that are members of a GCL Team and that this should not be regarded as a breach of any contractual obligation between the Athlete and GCT/GCL and/or Team owner.

Additionally, it has been agreed that neither Event will make a special effort to attract Athletes from each other, while being aware that the choice ultimately rests with the Athletes and the National Federations. Chefs d’équipe and national selectors, together with the IJRC, are requested to cooperate to attract top Athletes to both Events.

FEI press release