FEI Equine Prohibited Substances List: call for suggestions by List Group


The 2021 Equine Prohibited Substances List effective since 1 January 2021 is available in PDF format for download in the Anti-Doping rules page of inside.FEI.org.

The review process for changes to the 2021 Equine Prohibited Substances List is now underway and details regarding this process are explained here. 
In preparation for the 2022 List, we invite National Federations, Veterinarians, Athletes, Grooms, Judges and other interested parties to submit their suggestions for consideration by the List Group via the FEI Prohibited List Suggestions Form. Please complete all fields, including information regarding the substance, its use, application and specific reasoning for inclusion or change of category as applicable.

Suggestions should be submitted to Caterina Termine no later than 15 March 2021 for consideration during 2021.