The International Jumping Riders Club since 1977 is the voice of the showjumping riders from around the world.
The International Jumping Riders Club since 1977 is the voice of the showjumping riders from around the world.
Over the next few days and weeks, over 1,500 horses will be travelling up through Europe from Spain, Portugal and Italy.
Given the long distances, horses will need to rest. It is vital that the stopover/transit stabling for horses have the proper biosecurity requirements in place to minimise the risk of further transmission of EHV-1.
The French Federation has been very responsive in arranging specific stabling in France for horses travelling through the country where they can be stabled under the necessary biosecurity conditions with disinfection procedures and onsite veterinary support.
Criteria : experience in that job, >100 stables, accessibility, vet assistance available with very good reactivity, processes of disinfection, mitigation...
Other stables could be added later but there is no guarantee.
If you are interested you must anticipate as much as possible your booking.
It is also your responsibility to contribute to the safest environment by disinfecting yourself, trucks, equipment… and follow guidelines from each site.
The stables are:
Pôle Européen du Cheval - Le Mans
Contact : Angélique GUERET 0033 686 255 139
Pôle Européen du Cheval, Route de Feumusson 72530 YVRE L’EVEQUE
Access advices UK
400 permanent stables, disinfection, empty stables between each group of horses, if asked sufficiently in advance possibility to have a veterinarian at the arrival of the truck
Parc du cheval - Chazey sur Ain - Lyon
Contact: Raphael CHATELAIN 0033 615 541 844
Parc du Cheval, 1095 Le Luizard, 01150 Chazey sur Ain
Option A permanent stables 3 barns, disinfection : 100
Option B temporary stables, disinfection, built after ordering, only 1 use per stable. For option B please order your stables before 06/03/2021 12:00 am, stabling ready on 08/03/2021 10:00 am.
Empty stables between each group of horses, if asked sufficiently in advance possibility to have a veterinarian at the arrival of the truck
Places will fill-up quickly and need to be booked as soon as possible. More information on these stabling options and potentially additional locations in France will be updated here
Other EU Federations are encouraged to set-up stopover/transit stabling, meeting the necessary sanitary requirements and to contact the EEF and the FEI with the relevant information, so that this can be shared with the entire community.
We urge all affected NFs to inform their athletes accordingly and to stress the importance of ensuring appropriate biosecurity measures throughout their journey and continuing on arrival home.
We would like to sincerely thank the French NF for this initiative and will keep you updated on any further developments on the stopover/transit stabling options.
Note that a new portal has been created on, where you will find all the latest figures, information and news around the current EHV-1 outbreak in Europe. We will continue to publish all the latest information there.