Following the announcement of the allocation of the Qualifiers and Final for the Longines League of Nations™ 2024 to 2027 to venues across Europe, North America, and the Middle East, here is the Calendar for the inaugural 2024 season:


The Longines League of Nations was created following a six-month consultation phase with a dedicated Task Force, which was set up to review and redefine the iconic Nations Cup series and included all the key equestrian stakeholders. The new series will feature a unified and global format, where the top 10 nations compete at four top venues in order to qualify for the Final where the best eight teams go head-to-head to be crowned the Longines League of Nations™ Champion.
“We have made a historic decision for the future of equestrian sport. This series is about inspiring individuals and nations around the core values of our sport – camaraderie, team spirit, horsemanship and excellence - and for over a century it has played an invaluable role in the development of equestrian globally.
This fresh and exciting Series gives us the opportunity to display the very best of team equestrian sport to large audiences in key territories and we are looking forward to working closely with these Organisers to continue the Nations Cup legacy and inspire future generations of equestrians.
I would like to thank all the organising committees for their dedication and hard work in submitting such impressive applications and to congratulate the winning bidders. Our very special appreciation goes to Longines, the FEI’s top partner, for their trust and their unwavering support to equestrian sport.”
FEI President Ingmar De Vos
Read the latest Press Release announcing the allocation here.

To view the Longines League of Nations Rules, click here.

FEI press release