Update on Equine Herpes Virus (EHV-1 – neurological form) – Valencia (ESP)

From FEI:

As an update to the communique we sent on 22 February 2021 about the Equine Herpes Virus outbreak (EHV-1 – neurological form) in Valencia (ESP), the FEI Veterinary Department is continuing to work with all parties involved to provide support to those impacted and to minimise the spread of the virus.

We have been advised that there are currently over 150 horses still on the venue. A total of 72 horses are showing clinical signs of EHV-1. Of the 47 horses that have been tested, 17 are now confirmed as having the virus.

Of that number, we are informed that three horses have been transferred to the veterinary hospital with neurological symptoms, but one of these is said to be recovering well and is expected to return to the venue shortly. We are receiving information that there may be additional numbers of horses displaying neurological signs, but do not have any confirmation of that at this point.

In addition, there are four confirmed cases of horses that left the venue on 14 February and became sick shortly after returning to their home country, plus two possible further outbreaks in a third country that can be traced back to Valencia.

The FEI is liaising directly with the Spanish National Federation, which is working closely with the competent veterinary authority in the Valencia region, Sanidad e Higiene Animal y Trazabilidad. This authority has sealed off the Valencia venue and declared it an isolation unit.

In order to help alleviate the very difficult situation for athletes, owners and grooms with horses still on the venue in Valencia, the FEI has requested – and received – agreement from the regional veterinary authorities to allow five additional veterinarians onsite to treat the affected horses. The FEI is currently organising to get these five veterinarians onsite, as well as additional medical supplies that will be delivered to the venue.

We have also requested a detailed plan from the regional veterinary authorities on the treatment of sick horses, management of the outbreak, and the plan for getting healthy horses off the venue. We have just received the protocol this afternoon and we are following up directly with them on this.

As we advised you previously, in accordance with the FEI Veterinary Regulations, Article 1029.7, a total of 752 horses that have attended Valencia since 1 February 2021 have been blocked in the FEI Database and are not be permitted to enter any FEI Events until they have fulfilled the necessary testing requirements.

In addition, as we informed you at the beginning of the week, we have directly contacted the National Federations with athletes and horses that have participated at Valencia since 1 February 2021, and will be updating those with horse onsite today. We have also instructed the Organisers of the other Tours on the Iberian Peninsula that they must not accept any horses that have been competing in Valencia.

In order to keep the community informed, we will send further updates as soon as any new information is available.

© FEI – 26 February 2021