Athlete Charter: don't miss the opportunity to shape your rights and responsibilities through the Athlete Charter

The IOC has been developing the Olympic Movement Athlete Charter of Rights and Responsibilities (Athlete Charter).

WOA encourages Olympians to contribute to the athlete Charter,

Take the athlete Charter Today:

This Charter sets out to bring together the rights and responsibilities of athletes in a simple reference document. The main topics of the Athlete Charter are currently organised around the following five key headings:

  • Integrity and Clean Sport

  • Governance and Communication

  • Career and Marketing

  • Safeguarding

  • Sports Competition

This initiative is led by an IOC Steering Committee which is inviting all elite athletes globally to participate in the development of this document, by taking part in a short survey at .

The IOC invited us to share this link with our elite athlete communities and athlete representatives, as they would like to hear from as many athletes as possible and give you the opportunity to share what is important to you.

The plan is to showcase the Athlete Charter at the Olympism in Action forum just before the Youth Olympic Games in Buenos Aires this October. The Athlete Charter will define the rights and responsibilities of elite athletes, ensuring they are supported for generations to come. To make the Charter as relevant as possible, we need your help understanding the issues most important to you.

If you complete the survey by 8th September 2018, you could win a trip to the Athlete Charter showcase at the Olympism in Action Forum held in Buenos Aires on 5 and 6 October!


For more information on the project, please visit

About the Youth Olympic Games (YOG) -

The Youth Olympic Games (YOG), which were launched in Singapore 2010, were created to reach out to young athletes worldwide, inspiring young people to take part in sport and adopt and live by the Olympic values.

The 2018 YOG will bring together almost 4,000 talented young athletes aged from 15 to 18 from 206 countries around the world for a 12-day period.


Buenos Aires 2018 Youth Olympic Games: 11 nations making their YOG debut

A total of 30 highly talented equestrian athletes from six continents have earned their tickets to represent their nations at the Youth Olympic Games (YOG) - the world’s largest multi-sport youth event - in Buenos Aires (ARG) next month. And 11 nations will be making their YOG debut.

The athletes, aged between 15 and 18 years, have made the grade after a series of tough global qualifiers, including the FEI World Jumping Challenge series, European and Regional Championships and wider international youth events.

“Representing your country at a young age, at such a prestigious event, is an undeniable honour,” said FEI President Ingmar De Vos. “The YOG is a springboard to the Olympic Games and to the FEI World Equestrian Games. The international equestrian community wishes all our YOG athletes the best for this very important equestrian career stepping stone!”