In 2014
IJRC Board attended a lot of important meetings that allowed it to work in the best possible way to improve our Sport.
As the International Jumping Riders Club strongly believes that the co-operation of the riders, organisers and the federal body is key in taking the equestrian sport to a higher level, these meeting are so crucial to improve the quality of show jumping events in general.
The IJRC Board has worked in the past on an enormous variety of topics with the aims to improve the present and the future of our Sport.
lot of achievements has reached by IJRC in these past years, see below a list of some of them:
- Horse owners can now have 2 passes in all FEI Events including Championships and Olympics.
- In the5*events,all participants can now benefit from: free entry fee, free meals for athletes and grooms.
- In all international events the entry fees have been fixed.
- The events prize money has increased and is index linked.
- New rules for clean sport have been requested and achieved, introducing a list and some thresholds.
- Legal support can be obtained by athletes if necessary.
- The IJRC Club is the owner of the FEI Longines ranking list formula.
- The IJRC and the International Dressage Riders Club have signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the FEI.
- The IJRC reached an agreement with NARG (the North American Riders Group), thanks to which the riders will have a unique voice in front of the International Federation for Equestrian Sports and in the world.
- The IJRC Club now has a rider representative with the right to vote in the FEI jumping Committee, FEI executive board and FEI Bureau.
- The IJRC play an active part in all decision concerning jumping rules and technical issues.
- The IJRC has a seat with right to vote on the European Equestrian Federation Board.
- The IJRC members are involved in the Atheneum’s project “A Young Riders Academy”
- Long term contract has been signed for the Rolex Top Ten
Here are all the 2014 IJRC meetings:
January |
24./26.01. |
Zürich |
February |
5./6. |
Düsseldorf |
March |
21./23. |
s'Hertogenbosh |
Meetings withAll Riders |
25 |
Düsseldorf |
EEF Working Group Jumping |
April |
2./3. |
Düsseldorf |
EEF Meeting with Major NF |
27./ |
Lausanne |
Meeting EEF |
28./ |
FEI Extraordinary Assembly |
28./29 |
FEI Sport Forum |
May |
19./ |
Düsseldorf |
22./25. |
Rome |
30 |
St. Gallen |
July |
15./21. |
Aachen |
September |
1./7. |
Caen |
16./17. |
Düsseldorf |
EEF Working Group |
22 |
Düsseldorf |
IJRC Board Meeting |
October |
10./ |
Stockholm |
Rolex riders Academy(no cost for IJRC) |
16/18 |
Lisbona |
EEF General Assembly |
November |
7./8 |
Verona |
Riders shooting |
28./30 |
Madrid |
Meeting with some riders, Jan Tops, |
discussion Ranking /FEI negotiation |
December |
Geneva |
IJRC Board Meeting |
Geneva |
IJRC General Assembly |
Geneva |
TOP10 |
Geneva |
Several Meetings with Board Members |
Geneva |
Diner with Rolex |
The annual IJRC General Assembly of 2014, has been held Friday the 12th December 2014 in Geneva, and it closed a very busy year.
During this meeting, the IJRC President Christina Liebherr reported about the different items the Club had to deal during this first year of her presidency.
Rodrigo Pessoa has been elected in the FEI Jumping Committee with the new online election system and Eleonora Ottaviani has been elected in the Board of the EEF (European Equestrian Federation) and is a member of the Jumping working group of the EEF.
There have been discussion/negotiation about an eventually Club Competition organized by the Global Champions Tour, but it is not planned for the moment.
Many important topics were discussed like: The Ranking points, the FEI (Memorandum of Understanding); EEF (European Equestrian Federation); the EEF (they would like to change the statutes in order to have an Athlete that represents the IJRC in their Association); NARG the North American Riders Association (the FEI wanted to sign the Memorandum of Understanding only with one Jumping Riders Association. Following this request IJRC and NARG signed an agreement where NARG recognizes the IJRC as the primary riders’ association for representing jumping in international equestrian sport with the FEI).
During the meeting there was also an important presentation: 5 Athletes that have been selected to be part of the Rolex Riders Academy have been presented to the Assembly by Sven Holmberg: Bertram Allen, Chantal Müller, Monika Martini, Kaya Lüthi and Emilie Stämpfli. These young riders follows a program that includes veterinary, education and legal issues; they are followed by top riders staying in their stable for several months. The Riders Academy started this year with this first group but there are many other young talents that are involved in the activity of the Riders Academy.
The 2015 has been just begun and the IJRC Club will be involved in a lot of meeting in order to improve steps by steps our Sport.
In 2015 the Club must deal with the following issues:1.Invitation System
2 Certificate of Capability
4.Nationas Cup/Furusiyya/Other Series
6.Ranking List
7.Improvement of our structure and office, archive, communication and others.
Further the Club would like to deeply analyze the anti-doping procedure and regulation, the provisional suspension, the PR and etc.
It’s clear from now that there will be some different points of view, but if the Institutions (FEI and NFs), Organisers, Owners and Riders will be sufficiently flexible, understanding each other and be able to give priority to the interest of sport, the IJRC is trusting and sure that it will be possible to reach some interesting solutions.
Here are the list of the first 2015 Meetings in which the IJRC Club is involved:February:16/18-02 Riders Academy (Last Education session held with the firs group);
21 - 02: CSI Gorla (Milano): meeting with Board Members: Chritina Liebherr, Steve Guerdat, Hans Dieter Dreher.
March:11/12-03: CSI 3* Warsaw (Pol) Cavaliada;
13/14-03: s’Hertogenbosch;
20-21/03: Essen Equitana: Meeting NF-EEF and EEF Board Meeting
It can hardly be denied that we are all in the same boat and we have to strongly row all together so that our sport will not be overwhelmed by other realities.
IJRC is always available to answer to any questions just sending an email to: