A Young Riders Academy invitation to National Federations for candidates selection's 2018

Press Release from www.ridersacademy.eu

We are proud and happy to be able to invite you to the fifth year of a Young Riders Academy for promising riders (18 – 23 of age).

At the time, a few years ago, when we started to consider this project, we would have never imagined ending up dealing with such a scenario.

During the year in the academy, riders meet each other and, hopefully, a friendship is established, creating group to trust and to share everything with.

What we have done from 2016 is to start the process of building bridges between different years’ promotions and we have invited riders from all teams to common clinics and other events.

Once a rider enters the program and achieves it, he will permanently be part of our team, because “An Academy member will always be a member”.

This is what “a Young Riders Academy Family” is about.

Furthermore, we were not expecting to live and enjoy so many exciting situations with these athletes, as we are; we really hope the feeling of satisfaction is same for you as a Federation.

As you already know the “young Riders Academy” has been developed by a group of equestrian professionals with the cooperation of the International Jumping Riders Club (IJRC) and with the generous support of Rolex. The aim of YRA is to assist in training show jumping young talents and preparing their career as future professionals in this sport.

The young Riders Academy program, thanks to Rolex, will give the chance to five to six promising riders to live six months of training and boarding at a well-known professional stable. On top of it, the program includes professional education on topics as: Veterinary, Business & Economics, Communication and Legal Aspects.

Each European Federation is invited to enter up to three candidates for the program. Out of these entries, a selection panel consisting of Emile Hendrix, Dirk Demeersman, Jean-Maurice Bonneau, Otto Becker and Sven Holmberg will select about 25 riders who will be invited to one of two events either in Arezzo during Toscana Tour (April 4th to 8th) or to Redefin in northern Germany (May 4th to 6th), depending on travel distance. By the mid of May, the above panel will identify final participants.

The selection will be based on jumping results (140 -150 classes), availability of horses and candidate’s personal profiles. The trainers involved are professionals as Kevin Staut, Marco Kutscher, Rolf Göran Bengtsson, Jos Lansink, Henk Nooren, Marcus Ehning and Ben, Vim and Gerco Schröder. The assignment of the trainer to each participant will be decided by the selection panel in agreement with the participant himself. Other trainers may also be part of the team.

Entries should be sent at latest by February 28th, 2018 following instructions below.

There are no obligations for the NF and the program will not conflict with other programs the NF may have for their young promising riders. On the contrary we are fully prepared to find ways of cooperation both in planning and follow-up.

Kind regards
Eleonora Moroni Ottaviani                       Sven Holmberg