The Rolex Grand Slam trophy for show jumping is a cup and cover created by the London jewellers Garrard, it is made of sterling silver with double scroll handles. A delicate ribbed spiral stem curves around the middle section moving up towards a tulip shaped vessel with a lid that is surmounted by a twisted shape finial. The trophy stands upon an integral silver plinth, and overall it is 45 cms high. Garrard was established in 1735 and is the oldest jewellers in the world, serving British sovereigns and royalty from around the globe, renowned for producing the crowns in the Tower of London. The firm has made ceremonial regalia and presentation silverware for governments and important international institutions, and created sporting trophies for world-class events. This trophy was designed by Corinna Pike, the bespoke and regal jewels designer, and heritage director at Garrard. Her approach is to incorporate curved forms inspired by the natural world, with meticulous hand-painted artwork in watercolours and gouache to create sinuous flowing harmony in her designs.