Athlete Charter of Rights and Responsibilities - Survey

The IOC has been developing the Olympic Movement Athlete Charter of Rights and Responsibilities (Athlete Charter). This Charter sets out to bring together the rights and responsibilities of athletes in a simple reference document. The main topics of the Athlete Charter are currently organised around the following five key headings:

  • Integrity and Clean Sport

  • Governance and Communication

  • Career and Marketing

  • Safeguarding

  • Sports Competition

This initiative is led by an IOC Steering Committee which is inviting all elite athletes globally to participate in the development of this document, by taking part in a short survey at . Further information, and the current draft Athlete Charter, can also be found at this link.

The IOC invited us to share this link with our elite athlete communities and athlete representatives, as they would like to hear from as many athletes as possible and give you the opportunity to share what is important to you.

We would be grateful if you could participate in this survey.

FEI Press Release