Atlantic Tour : The final days heat up with a four star competition

26 March - After the break weak, Centro Hípico de Vilamoura resumes the show, this time hosting some of the best international riders. In this final stage of the show, the highlight is for the two Grand Prix counting towards​ the 2016 Olympic Games, in Rio de Janeiro.

Emotions will be running high in the equestrian village during the last two weeks of the Vilamoura Atlantic Tour 2015. The second largest equestrian event of Europe is ready to welcome some of the best international riders and two qualifying competitions for the 2016 Olympic Games, in Brazil.

This Sunday will take place the Francisco Moura CSI3* Grand Prix, a tribute to the Portuguese rider, deceased in 2010. The highlight of the show will be next 4th of April with the CSI4* Grand Prix of Angola, a competition sponsored by the
​ ​Federação Angolana de Desporto Equestre (Angolan Federation of Equestrian Sports) to celebrate its recent election as a member of FEI (International Equestrian Federation).
The 4th of April was chosen for its great importance in the history in this country, as it celebrates 13 years of peace agreement.

The competition will count with a large audience and strong media coverage by several national and international media agencies as well as the live broadcast of the Grand Prix.

The Vice-President for the Technical Session of the Equestrian Federation of Angola, Kali Marin, couldn’t be happier with these first days experienced in the equestrian village.

«We decided to organise this CIS in Vilamoura not only because of the language, which is the same, but also because the best riders in the world are here. If Angola wants to get serious in the FEI, this is where we need to start our work. Therefore, Vilamoura Atlantic Tour was an excellent choice», the Angolan leader said.

The last two CSI will count with the highest prize money of the Vilamoura Atlantic Tour, ascending to 61,500 euros. ​
The international equestrian show Vilamoura Atlantic Tour 2015 is sponsored by Turismo de Portugal – Algarve, Câmara Municipal de Loulé, Pine Cliffs Resort, Caixa de Crédito Agrícola, Inframoura, Lusort and Microprocessor (digital systems) among others. It also has the support of: Hotel Hilton Vilamoura, Hotel Porto Bay Falésia, Hotéis Dom Pedro, Hotéis Tivoli; Garvetur; Mike Davis; Cegonha Country Club and Hertz.

Source: Press office Atlantic Tour