The in-person FEI Bureau meeting, ahead of the FEI General Assembly 2015, took place today in Puerto Rico’s capital San Juan.
FEI BUREAU MEETING San Juan (PUR), 10 November 2015
Main decisions taken by the FEI Bureau at its in-person meeting held on 10 November in San Juan (PUR):
OLYMPIC STRATEGYThe FEI Bureau, following the recommendation of the FEI Executive Board, agreed on the launch of a global Olympic communications campaign in the countdown to the Rio 2016 Olympic Games.
The key focus of the campaign will be to boost the appeal of equestrian sport to a global audience, with the ultimate goal of safeguarding the sport for the future, and demonstrating that equestrian sport is contemporary and unique.
The campaign will be driven by FEI HQ working in tandem with National Federations and external creative, public relations and marketing advisers in key global territories.
APPOINTMENT OF TECHNICAL COMMITTEE MEMBERSThe FEI Bureau confirmed the following appointments to the FEI Technical Committees:
FEI Medical CommitteePeter Whitehead (GBR) was re-appointed as chair of the FEI Medical Committee for a second term of four years (2015-2019).
Jan Holger Holtschmit (GER) was appointed to replace outgoing member Franz Kasin (NOR) for a term of four years (2015-2019).
FEI Veterinary CommitteeJan-Hein Swagemakers (GER) was appointed to replace outgoing member Philippe Benoit (FRA) for a term of four years (2015-2019).
Thomas Wolff (BRA) was appointed to replace outgoing member Sergio Salinas (MEX) for a term of four years (2015-2019).
FEI Jumping CommitteeRob Ehrens (NED) was appointed to replace outgoing member Marco Fusté (ESP) for a term of four years (2015-2019).
JUMPINGThe FEI Bureau approved clarifications to Annex F of the FEI World Cup™ Jumping rules for the 2015/2016 season. Modifications to the rules for the Furusiyya FEI Nations Cup™ Jumping 2016 were also approved. source: FEI press release
image: FEI President Ingmar De Vos and FEI Secretary General Sabrina Ibáñez, formerly Zeender, are pictured at the in-person FEI Bureau meeting on 10 November 2015 in Puerto Rico (PUR).