The last IJRC General Assembly has been held in Aachen with the presence also of the President of the Fédération Equestre Internationale (FEI) Ingmar De Vos.
A lot of important subjects were discussed as showed in the report below.
IJRC General Assembly 2015 in Aachen report
At the presence of many riders, chef d’equipes and several National Federations’ representatives, the IJRC General Assembly has been held during the European Championships in Aachen the 22nd August 2015.
First the IJRC members had to appoint President and Board for the next two years.
The riders present reelected unanimously the President in charge Christina Liebherr and the Board as following:
Vice Presidents: Ludger Beerbaum and Rodrigo Pessoa
Members: Steve Guerdat, Geir Gulliksen, Max Kühner, Philippe Lejeune, Ben Maher, Kevin Staut, Maikel van der Vleuten.
Accounting Auditors: François Mathy jr.
The NARG representatives inside the IJRC Board are Kent Farrington, Tiffany Foster and Lauren Hough.
The IJRC Board can count on the cooperation of Andres Rodriguez for the liaison with the South American Riders while Vladimir Beletskiy and Katharina Offel will be the contact for the East Country Riders.
Rodrigo Pessoa is the athlete’s representative in the FEI Jumping Committee and Maria Gretzer in the FEI Executive Board.
Eleonora Ottaviani, IJRC Director, asked the members Assembly to approve the general club’s policy to give priority to sport.
She is indeed very concerned about the direction our environment is taking: transforming the sport into pure business.
Despite being aware that the present times do not allow anymore to speak about "sports-sports" as it had been intended by the Olympic Committee till the Nineties, there must be a balance between “sport and business” that the purists of sport, the real enthusiastic sportsmen may with regret accept. But the policy of the Club cannot be reducing sport to business and business.
Therefore Eleonora Ottaviani states that she would keep her charge on condition that the Assembly deliberates that the Club’s policy has to give priority to sport.
The proposal has been unanimously accepted by the presents.
The FEI President Ingmar De Vos honored the IJRC Assembly with his presence.
After the signing last year of the MoU (Memorandum of Understanding) the relationship between FEI and IJRC has improved and makes it possible to cooperation in a better way.
He underlines that since the implementation of the Sport Forum in 2012, the Athletes are more involved in the FEI decisions and currently we all have the same goal: produce a better sport. He informs the riders about what is going on in Ranking calculation and Invitation System.
GCL: The IJRC has also invited Mr. Rentsch, FEI Legal Director, in order to explain the FEI position towards Global Champions League and the present situation of this matter.
Anti doping: There has been a long discussion also about contamination. The Club has proposed to take out from the Banned List substances like Oripavine, it is proved that it resulting in positives only in case of contamination from vegetable products.
The presence of certain substances in the Banned List has caused serious damage in the last 12 months. It has been underlined that in addition to damages for money, there are enormous moral and image damages that a more careful and attentive to consequences procedure could avoid.
Teams: The General Assembly decided that they are strongly against the reduction from 4 to 3 riders composing the teams in Nation Cup and Olympics.
Particularly for the Horse Welfare, as it cannot be denied that with Teams composed by 3 riders, the voluntary withdraw of a horse would happen only in case of serious injuries.
It has been also pointed out, by resolution of the Assembly, that the IJRC Board will aim to safeguard the sport, trying to find the right balance with business, but always strictly giving priority to sport.