The International Jumping Riders Club since 1977 is the voice of the showjumping riders from around the world.
The International Jumping Riders Club since 1977 is the voice of the showjumping riders from around the world.
The story of a ride's journey, trying to make her dream come true. Luciana Diniz, a portuguese professional horse rider, winner of Global Champions Tour in 2015 and ranked among the Top Ten in the world, has classified herself for the individual show-jumping competition at the Olympic Games of Rio in 2016.
With such an exciting challenge ahead, the next months will be crucial for Luciana's preparation for the big event. Throughout these series you can follow her strategy, learn about the work she does with her horses, understand how she focuses and what she prioritises. But - most of all - you will fall in love with her horses and the very special relationship she has with each one of them. It’s a bonding that lives beyond an arena and the big crowds. Luciana credits much of her progress and many of her victories to what each horse has taught her. They are all different, all unique and all important teachers of her.
With only a few months to go and knowing she can only take one horse to the Olympics, her heart and mind have to make one important decision: which one will jump with her for Portugal in Rio this summer?
Join her and her special horses to find out.
source: Luciana Diniz website