Pure Sport - on two weekends at Riesenbeck International

Pure Sports - on two weekends at Riesenbeck International. This is offered by Ludger Beerbaum and his team from 8th - 11th October and from 16th - 18thOctober in the new indoor arenas at the equine centre in Riesenbeck. "We deliberately chose these dates in order to provide a bridge from the outdoor season to the indoor shows", says Ludger Beerbaum. From 8th - 11th October the two newly build indoor arenas will be tested on four full days. A CSI 2* will take place for the first time, consisting of twelve tests - whereby the Grand Prix of Riesenbeck on Sunday has prize money of 25 000 EURO.

The following celebrity riders have confirmed their attendance: double European champion Jereon Dubbeldam, his Dutch team colleague Gerco Schröder, fourth placed Olympic competitor Kamal Bahamdan (Saudi Arabia), Beerbaums colleagues Henrik von Eckermann (Sweden), Tadahiro Hayashi (Japan), Philipp Weishaupt and Christian Kukuk (both Germany). They will be joined by the highly successful German Team Meredith Michaels-Beerbaum, Marcus Ehnung and Marco Kutscher. As well as the best national riders will come with their best horses: Kathrin Eckermann, Eva Bitter, Karl Brocks and many more.

At the second weekend from the 16th-18th October the venue will provide for the U25 riders. The best of young talents from Germany and surrounding countries are invited to show their skills.

Source: press release

Today the CSI2* - Grand Prix of Riesenbeck
Prize of  Frau Madeleine Winter-Schulze
Int. Jumping competition against the clock with one jump-off was won by the 8-years-old Darco-son, Codarco ridden by the American show jumper Reid, Chloe. They beat the couple: Eckermann, Henrik von and Sansibar. Maikel van der Vleuten and VDL Groep Quatro finished in third place followed by Ben Schröder and Complemento and  Eoin McMahon and Bling Bling.