9 May-Two weeks ago Karin Haber announced the end of a partnership between the 10-year-old Toulon-son, Toulago, and rider Pius Schwizer. After that moment, it would be European Champion, Roger Yves Bost who becomes the new rider. ‘Bosty’ saw a bright future with the new ride. There were even plans working towards the new ‘World Equestrian Games’, the start of their bright future on the highest level would be the Aachen Grand Slam at the end of this month.

In a press release Stephex Stables has now announced the arrival of Toulage in Wolvertem. Stephan Conter has invested in the Toulon-son, as such the horse will in the future be seen under the saddle of German Champion, Daniel Deusser. The idea is to prepare Toulago for the Olympic Games in Rio in 2016.

Source: Equnews