YRA selection 2017: invitation letter to all European National Federations

source: ridersacademy.eu

Lugano/Säffle, January  2017.

We  are  proud  and  happy  to  be  able  to  invite  you  to  the  fourth  year  of  the  Young Riders  Academy  for  promising riders (18  – 23 of age). We hope, again, that this initiative will be of great benefit to your Federation and for your young athletes. The  “Riders  Academy”, as you may know,  has  been  developed  by  a  group  of  equestrian  professionals  with  the  cooperation  of   the International Jumping Riders Club (IJRC) and with the generous support  of Rolex.  The  aim  of  Riders  Academy  is  to assist in training show jumping young talents and preparing their career as future professionals in this sport. The  Riders  Academy  program,  thanks  to Rolex,  will give  the  chance to  five to six promising  riders  to  get about six  months  of “tailor-made” training  and boarding  at  a  well-known professional  stable with  no  costs.  On  top of that,  the  program  also  includes professional education in communication, business and economics, veterinary and legal practice connected to  show jumping.

The ambition is to create future ambassadors of equestrian sport!

Each European Federation is invited to enter up to three candidates for the program. Out of these entries, a selection panel consisting of Emile Hendrix,  Jean-Maurice Bonneau, Otto Becker and Sven Holmberg will select about 25 riders who will be invited to one of two events either in Arezzo Toscana Tour (April 5th -9th )  or Redefin in northern Germany (May 12th- 14th), depending on  travel distance. By the mid of May, the above panel will identify  final participants. One spot will be dedicated to a rider from central/eastern Europe.

The selection will be based on jumping results (140 -150 classes), availability of horses and candidate’s personal profiles. The trainers we have involved in these years program have been:  Kevin Staut, Ludger Beerbaum, Dietmar Gugler, Rolf Göran Bengtsson, Jos Lansink, Marcus Ehning, Gerco Schröder, Markus Beerbaum. The assignment of the trainer to each participant will be decided by the selection panel in agreement with the participant himself. Other trainers may also be involved.

Entries should be sent at the latest  by  February 28th  2017. There are no obligations for the NF and the program will not be in conflict with other programs the NF may have for their young promising riders; instead we are fully prepared to find ways of cooperation both in planning and follow-up.

A   draft   program,   experiences   from   the   first   year   and   the   entry   form   can   be   found   on   the   web-site www.ridersacademy.eu  where we kindly ask you to enter your candidates within the above deadline.

Kind regards

Eleonora  Moroni  Ottaviani

Sven Holmberg